SEO Services
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Search engines are designed to provide the best possible search experience for their users, or searchers. This means that search engines constantly assess and evaluate their algorithms to make sure they are delivering the most relevant results to searchers. As a result, the SEO practices that work one day may no longer be effective the next.

How Often Does SEO Change?

This is why savvy marketers know that SEO is not a one-time service and should be an ongoing marketing strategy. The good news is that the majority of Belfast SEO changes are minor and do not impact a website’s rankings significantly.

However, that does not mean that you should ignore the slightest fluctuations in your SERP rankings. In fact, most experts recommend that you keep an eye on your SERP ranking trends, especially when they seem to be a little more volatile than usual.

When you see a shift in your rankings, it’s usually an indication that the search intent associated with the keyword has changed. For example, if you perform a Google search for “dehydrated dog treats” and the top search results are referring to DIY or homemade dehydrated dog treats, this indicates that the search intent has changed and your content needs to change accordingly.

However, the main issue with fluctuating SERP rankings is that Google does not give a lot of warning when it’s about to roll out an algorithm update. As a result, many SEOs find themselves unprepared when these updates take effect.