Late Game Solo Smite
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League of Legends is an ongoing game with frequent updates that make champions gain or lose power. This means that the best ADC in late game is constantly changing.

Vayne is one of the best ADCs in the game because she deals decent damage from the laning phase to the end of the match and can dish out constant team fight damage.


Vayne is a powerful late game champion because she scales incredibly well through the entire game. In addition, she has a powerful skill in her W – Silver Bolts – which empowers every 3rd basic attack against an enemy champion.

However, Vayne struggles against champions that outrange her or have heavy area-of-effect damage. Champions like Kog’Maw, Caitlyn, Twitch, and Miss Fortune are difficult matchups because they can quickly gank Vayne and take away her window of opportunity for retaliation. Click here for more information on this platform.

Vayne is best paired with Supports that can peel for her or have high damage poking abilities. Enchanter supports such as Lulu and Soraka are great choices, while tank Supports like Thresh and Jhin are also good options.


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While Twitch is one of the strongest ADCs late game, he struggles to pass the early game. He requires a lot of farm to reach his item spikes. Try to avoid dying in the early game until you have your first items.

Twitch is best paired with a support who can enable him in team fights. He can benefit from Runaan’s Hurricane and other items that empower his auto attacks.


Caitlyn is a strong marksman with long range that can deal high damage from a distance. Her abilities also offer a lot of crowd control, allowing her to stun enemies or root them in place.

Like other marksmen, she does best in the late game once she has her core items completed. Until then, she may be vulnerable to being bullied in the laning phase by champions that can poke her with gap closers or crowd control. To combat this, she should learn her counters and look for matchups that give her an advantage.

Desert Rose

Desert Rose is a strong ADC that can play in many roles. Her kit offers a lot of damage and utility, and she’s great for lane clearing and ganking in teamfights.

She has a bit of a learning curve and isn’t the best choice for beginners, but mastering her kit can help you earn some serious wins.

She doesn’t do very well against poke lanes or champions that can easily peel her backline, but she’s a solid pick for those who enjoy playing melee characters. She’s especially good with items and rune pages that give her more last hit potential and snowball.


After Yone and Samira, it felt like Riot’s done a good job this year of introducing new champions with lore that fits in with Runeterra. Seraphine, however, seems to be an outlier.

Riot has revealed a new markman champion named Seraphine in the upcoming patch. She’s the music champion that looks like a Sona-clone with a more skill-shot oriented kit. Her abilities have a lot of cool effects that add to her burst damage, and she has a lot of CC to help in team fights. This makes her a great champion for bot lane.

Joy Unbound

The bot lane is the home of marksmen who deal more damage as the game goes on. Riot’s new marksman, Nilah the Joy Unbound, is a water-based skirmisher that carries an ancient demon of joy in her wand.

Her spec uses the traditional ADC crit damage build. Lethal Tempo, Kraken Slayer and Infinity Edge provide her with the one-shot potential she’s looking for. Then she can finish the build off with Stormrazor and a pair of items from Lord Dominik’s Regard, Bloodthirster or Guardian Angel. This will allow her to auto-attack enemies and root them for a significant amount of damage.


There are some champions that just deal more damage the longer the game goes on. These are usually ranged marksmen and the bot lane is their home, particularly in metas where dive comps are prevalent.

She also has a great kit that allows her to survive in a tough laning environment with a support champion beside her.

Nilah, the Joy Unbound, is a new champion that has been recently revealed for League of Legends. Riot Games is hoping she will bring a unique style of play to the rift and she already has a strong late game with her passive that shares her experience with the nearest ally.